• Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce Blog

    Welcome to the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce's blog, where we share insights, information, ideas, and stories from our staff, volunteers, and members. Feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, or email the author of your favorite post. We also welcome submissions to our blog from members of our organization. Make sure to check out the Guest Blogging Guidelines on this page for more information.
    Thursday, January 11, 2018
    New Year's Resolutions Are a Joke. Instead Make a Plan and Stick to It!

    Most people give up on their New Years resolution by the second week of February! Here are the steps you should take to make those resolutions more effective. Learn more about this post from Kelli-Rae Ennis with TMH Business Coaching.

    Jim Flannery

    Monday, May 29, 2017
    Creating an Ownership Mentality: A “How To” Guide

    Can you imagine how your business would perform if all, or at least most, of your employees approached their work with an ownership mentality? In 2016, as Alberta was mired in the eye of an economic storm, Original Joe’s Restaurants (part of the Franworks Group of Companies) achieved just that. Through a very deliberate cultural shift, Original Joe’s saw not one , but two employee led gestures achieve viral status on social media.

    Jeff Tetz