• Survey Questions from Municipal Election Candidates

    Survey Questions from Municipal Election Candidates

    Evaluation of 2017 Municipal Candidates Survey Responses

    As is our custom, the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce issued a survey to the 32 Candidates who have put forward their names for the positions of Mayor and City Councillor. The nine questions were compiled by a task force pulled from our membership, who were advised by our professional staff. The questions reflect some of the key municipal issues which concern the business community.
    We complied the responses to this survey and have completed an evaluation of their answers based on simple criteria in the matrix below.

    1. If an answer to a question closely aligns with the priorities and philosophy of the Chamber of Commerce, we indicated this with a green marker.
    2. If an answer to a question does not align with the priorities and philosophy of the Chamber of Commerce, we indicated this with a red marker.
    3. If an answer is neutral or aligns with some aspects of the priorities and philosophy of the Chamber of Commerce, we indicated this with a yellow marker.
    Based on the responses to this survey with this system of evaluation, the candidates with more green marks on the matrix hold positions that more closely align with the needs, priorities, and philosophy of the business community. It is the Chamber’s view that effective city governance should include individuals with a strong business background, who have experience in managing and leading large-budget organizations, and who appreciate and understand the complex concerns of the business community which drives the economic health of our city. It is our sincere hope that Lethbridge voters keep these concerns in mind when they go to the polls on Monday. 

    Read the Survey Responses Here

    Here's our Evaluation

    The Questions:
    Q1: What would you do to advocate in support of economic development in Lethbridge and why?        
    Q2: What do you feel are the greatest opportunities and challenges for business growth and expansion in Lethbridge?    
    Q3: What considerations should be taken into account when selecting between competing, large-budget community projects? Should Administration or City Council be the final authority in ranking such large projects? What community projects would you advocate for in Lethbridge and why?
    Q4: Describe your business background and/or experience, and how you feel this perspective will help you in your role as a Councillor/Mayor.
    Q5: How would you propose that City Council work with the business community to ensure the City’s fees, taxes, bureaucratic structures and service philosophy do not prevent Lethbridge businesses from being competitive?           
    Q6: The City currently competes with private business in areas like sidewalk construction and maintenance, food concessions at the Enmax, paving, and now curbside recycling. Do you believe the City should compete with Private Industry? What circumstances would make public competition with private industry acceptable?  
    Q7: The City’s ad hoc committee recommended that Economic Development Lethbridge spearhead tourism promotion in Lethbridge and area, but Council decided to create a new entity for this. Do you agree with Council ignoring such recommendations from Industry and special interest groups and how would you like the City to move forward with tourism promotion?         
    Q8: How important is downtown development in making Lethbridge a healthier and more vibrant business community? How would you propose to lead this development, especially with reference to issues such as downtown safety, transportation and parking, and beautification?
    Q9: When recruiting for top administrative positions, for what recruitment process would you advocate and how will you ensure a transparent search so the most qualified person is selected? How important do you feel it is to include candidates from outside of the city’s bureaucratic structures in recruiting for top administrative positions?

    If you would like to offer any feedback, suggestions, or have any questions about this survey, please contact Peter Casurella at the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce

    Peter Casurella
    (403) 327-1586

    Note: These questions were developed by a committee drawn from our membership, with advice from our professional staff. 

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